art conversations

Artist or Not, You Know What You Like.

What IS ART anyway? That question makes for a delightful conversation. A puzzling conversation that usually ends with a questions mark. Perhaps Art is like the word LOVE. Art and love, both words come in scores of shades. Chasing the meaning of these words is like chasing the shifting of shadows cast by ever-changing light beams.

     Just think about the progressive history of graphic art from art created “in and by” nature, to the art of the caveman, to the art before printing, to the art after photography, and now the art after computers.  The world is changing and our options have expanded, now breeding megatons of choices.

Having unending options seems like a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, doesn’t it?  “Despite the apparent opportunities presented by having a lot of options, the need to choose creates a “paralyzing paradox,” according to Thomas Saltsman, a graduate student in the


psychology department at the University at Buffalo.  “We love having these choices, but when we’re actually faced with having to choose from among those countless options, the whole process goes south.”

I remember a friend telling me of her guests visiting from Russia in the ’70s, were so unaccustomed to our heavy stocked shelves, they had to leave a supermarket overwhelmed by the choices. This happens to the creative mind artist and also art lovers.


Having a few clear and more-narrow guidelines as to what you want comes in handy. When it comes to art, think about limiting your choices, choose your favorite subjects and favorite color schemes, your size restrictions, and your standard of quality.  When shopping online choose a source you can trust. Your art should create a sensual experience.

Aesthetics is a word derived from the Greek word aesthesis meaning “sense experience”.

All artists have a passion for expression and hope their creations communicate to at least some segment of their audience. 

      Often Judges are called upon to evaluate and give awards or accolades to artists. What a difficult task it is! I’ve been one of those judges.  Sometimes a difficult task, like comparing the quality of a slice of Swiss cheese, to a Greek salad, to a bowl of Roman noodles, to a grilled hamburger sandwich, to a glass of orange juice,  and to a plate of chocolate cake. (I’m getting hungery, but you get the point?) That is why most judges are from out of town and don’t hang around too long after a show. LOL.  We must thank them for their courage.

       It is, however, often fun to disagree and wonder why and how the judges ever come to their conclusion.  Sometimes we agree with them, and sometimes we just raise our eyebrows in wonder.

       Aesthetics — a word derived from the Greek word aesthesis meaning “sense experience”.  All forms of Artists have a passion for expression and hope their creations communicate to at least to some segment of their audience. 

      You share in the art when we go to a gallery and stop in front of a painting to just “be with it” even for a short time, and when we feel that aesthetic quality behind the work. It is like when we slow down and taste our food before swallowing it, or when we allow music to fill us up inside and long for more’ that is when we are enjoying the aesthetics of life.

      It is a great joy to own a special creation that continues to speak to you over the years. And a great honor for me if you choose a painting of mine for your art collection. I do guarantee my work and quote ahead.

      Hope you become a fan of my art work.  If  you feel something, you know it.

by Susan A. McKay

 © Susan Anthony McKay 2021